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04-06-2007, 02:18 PM
Chubfish's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
: Apr 2007
: England
: 907
Blog Entries: 4
Rep Power: 18
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I'm going to join...

Name: Scrabbers (but he is known as "The Coward" in his herd)

Race: Scrab

Age: 24

Job: I don't really think scrabs get jobs...
Appearance: Looks like a scrab but don't be fooled, its beak has been worn down from previous fights it has ran away from (this Scrab is quite the coward) and it also was mutated at birth; it has 6 legs giving it a faster running speed but is slightly smaller (but still bigger than a mudokon) and has smaller muscles than most scrabs as it has never won a fight. He is pretty useless in a battle as he can't fight of other scrabs or wildlife because his beak is worn but what he lacks in power he makes up for his quick movement and skill to dodge effectively and with ease. He can also pack a punch with his kicks as his leg muscles are unusually strong for a scrab. He also is scarred from previous battles.

Personality: Timid, shy, doesn't really like people much and other wildlife as they all bully him and tease him because of his muscles. He has never had any friends and doesn't really interact with wildlife much for obvious reasons.

History: He started out life as a poor, defenseless baby scrab and he lived in the plains of Oddworld. He was bullied in his early life up until he was a teen, where his leg muscles developed more and he could evade more predators and enemies. Eventually, he was banished from his herd because of his cowardice and this was disappointing for him. A short while after, he was captured by RuptureFarms and grew up in the Stockyards when he arrived. He ate scraps of dead wildlife for food and was starved, as all the wildlife in the Stockyards despised his 6 legs and his deformed muscles, even the paramites. Now, he seeks a better life, with more friendly beings. He has never seen a mudokon yet, but has seen sligs and slogs. He is afraid of these creatures and doesn't yet know why he has been put here as the wildlife here haven't yet told him of what this place does or produces. He has only one clue as too what this place does and thats when he saw his first "Scrab Cakes" poster. He thinks they make food for scrabs although his first intention is going to lead him the wrong place...

Phew, that was quite long for me ;>_>