Name: Alexander II
Race: Fuzzle
Gender: Male
Age: Teenager (I'm not sure on ages sorry ^^;; )
Appearance: Normal brown ruffly fur, viciously adorable red eyes, right above the eyes is tied a yellow headband with black dots, and when he smiles you can see his metallic teeth.
Likes: Vykker flesh
Dislikes: Doctors, Scientists, Teachers, and Tap Dancers.
History: Alexander II was a member of a radical anti-Fuzzle experiment group thats soul goal was too put an end to testing on Fuzzles. On the groups 1st mission Alexander II and other Fuzzles lied in ambush waiting to strike a unsuspecting Vykker on a Fuzzle run. Unluckily when the Fuzzle group jumped from the trees to strike they hadn't anticipated the Vykker's craft to move and due to their position the group all landed in a cage locking themselves in. The Vykker they tried to kill nearly laughed to death.
The Vykker took the Fuzzles to Vykker's Lab (before its explosion) and tortured the fuzzles by retelling the story of how they came into his possession to everyone. One day the Vykker experimented on Alexander II hoping to come up with a cheaply mass produced fighting force, unfortunately for the Vykker the strong metals he was going to use to replace Fuzzle skeletons was no longer sold on the black market for as cheap as he remembered. Still curious of the outcome the Vykker put Alexander II through the excruciatingly painful process of replacing ones bones with a metal skeleton (teeth included). After the operation was finished he stored Alexander II in a cage to await further testing, cus tonight was Dance Night!
When the Vykker returned he saw his experiment had chewed threw his bonds, seconds later he saw just how painful it was to have a augmented fuzzle crush your bones with its teeth.
Alexander II managed to escape Vykker's Lab and ever since has been tracking down Vykkers taking them down, tha is what brought him to Rupture Farms.
Last edited by Venks; 03-19-2007 at 01:23 PM..