Now on your orginal question, I think the position now where the termite like populations are now have only one queen. But that necessarily isn't true for when they were all not involved with Industerial cities. It seems like Maggie would be the only queen of the Glukkons, since all Glukkons come from the same mother. We don't know if there once was more, but I feel that Maggie really is the only queen that survived the Achemly Age.
I remember hearing a story with Skillya, proving that she is the only one, but wasn't always the only queen. When she was born, she had sisters that were much different than her. They were sweet, kind, everything you didn't see in her. She wanted to kill them all. So when the Glukkons came to her, who promised loads of moolah for her children and also promised to kill the rest of her family, she couldn't say no. Now the Slig population is where it is now.
The Mudokons only have one, but I feel as if when the Mudokons had tribes, each one had a queen. It would make sense that way.
Last edited by Wil; 03-01-2007 at 05:52 AM..