I always feel like someone is watching me *looks behind self.* I just think people are gonna watch my every move...like Alf...(xD), also like that weird movie Jim Carey was in. I'm also scared of water, I had a bad experience with it...I wouldn't like to drown, I wouldn't be able to breath and I'm worried a shark would swim and me and double the pain by eating my leg off lol. What else...um...I get spooked when I go to sleep...I always think some weird thing is gonna grab my feet at the end of the bed, and I'm afraid of dolls. I hate them. They're weird. They watch my every move (this is connected to my first fear), and their eyes follow me. Their faces are strange...aw hell, I'm starting to get really freaked out...
EDIT: Oh, and sometimes I get weird vibes while in a house that someone died in; for example, I see things...like once I saw this robed dude slowly walk across the room (and no one died, so it couldn't have been ol' Grim). I also seem to see freakishly drawn pale faces...maybe I just have an active imagination...