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02-09-2007, 07:19 AM
OddjobAbe's Avatar
National Treasure
: Feb 2007
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ooc: OJA, there are no random characters in this RPG. So this slig doesn not exist, only characters created by players are here. There aren't any random sligs/mudokons/anything in the factory.

The people in charge are all Dripik's characters; Arnie, Otto and #7 Slig. But Dripik hasn't posted in ages so I don't know if its worth waiting for him. You might want your people just to head over to the main grinders and see what needs doing or something.
OOC: I'm sorry, I knew there was something else I needed to put in. The 'security slig' in the FeeCo Train Depot with Goshhe was #0012, who in fact came aboard the train with Goshhe to work at RuptureFarms after being sent off from the barracks. I intended to explain later that #0012 just 'made himself' a security of RuptureFarms, as he believed that if he could blend in, nobody would notice. If you wish, I could edit the post so it makes more sense.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.