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01-04-2007, 12:39 PM
Goresplatter's Avatar
Spark Stunk
: Feb 2006
: I'm in space.
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Goresplatter  (102)Goresplatter  (102)

I am diametrically opposed to the death sentence. I can't just turn away from my own principles to make an exception for one guy.

Though the blood lust of the world disturbs me. Truly we are barbarians worthy of Saddam.
Except I don't worship Allah. I worship mighty Thor.

I take exception to being called 'worthy of Saddam' for supporting the death penalty - in what way does someone who takes life deserve to have life? Treat others the way you wish to be treated - so if killing others is your game, dead is your name. I fail to see how much progress is made by keeping him in jail for his life, I doubt he'd care very much, to be honest, and it'd only be so long before he'd be broken out (or at least an attempt resulting in deaths).

Also, didn't Saddam say he'd rather be killed than staying in prison? If so, what would be your view on euthanasia?

Even if that were an impossible thing to do, I still think the issue should've been raised around some of his most prominent actions - genocide for instance, as opposed to single executions. Not that any of those are less of a crime...
Wouldn't you rather one person die than thousands of people die? In my opinion, killing one person is 'less of a crime' than killing thousands.

I'm less worried about the blood lust of the world than I am that some people seem to suggest that he's innocent. It gets on my nerves when people say the death penalty is inhumane - of course it's inhumane, but it's for a good cause as it inevitably reduces the chance of more inhumane acts. People are less likely to murder someone when the prospect of death for them lurks just round the corner - from what I can make out, prison isn't as bad as some would make out. Nothing compared to death anyway.

Sorry, just had to get that out of my system. [/RANT]
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Last edited by Goresplatter; 01-04-2007 at 12:48 PM..
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