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12-23-2006, 07:22 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
: Um...RealWorld?
: 1,943
Rep Power: 20
Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

I'd say that calling the very things that make us human sins is sick.
I agree with that. All these are pretty much human for certain. Everyone has done something out of these somepoint. far does 'Lust' here meant to go? Because surely hormones in themselves and insinctual behaviour is pretty much a natural thing as it is? Or does lust here only mean if you go so far as to commit adultery/rape or something really bad like that? So, is preventing your species becoming extinct and making sure it continues a sin? So we should all become extinct then, is that it?
No big arguments here, just an opinion.
Okay...I'd probably say...I don't think I could pin one particularly...maybe I try to show off my more impressive work a little, but it's nothing to send me to hell for because it's a 'sin'. I just can't see one standing out above the others at all.
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