I'll reitterate a few sentiments:
a) PS3 blows balls at the moment.
and b) Competition is one of the driving factors of a better product market. Welcome to to a basic aspect of economics.
Though I don't feel it necessary to throw out an actual argument in regards to the whole "Microsoft butting in," it's too irresistable to pass up. Let's assume for a minute that companies pass up legitimate business oppurtunities when the moment arises. First off, the NES never would've been created, and thusly, Nintendo never would've risen as a gaming giant. Second off, the Playstation never would've been created, and thusly, Sony never would've risen as a gaming giant. lolz.
Let's take a look back on things to remind ourselves what happens when cocky businessmen get complacent: the Atari Jaguar and Sega Saturn. Funny it is, what happened to their market shares.
PS: Wasn't the PS launched at $300? $500 seems unreasonably high, even for the time.
Last edited by Majic; 12-11-2006 at 04:27 PM..