Wouldn't have been 2000 years ago...
It's not lunacy because, as I stated earlier, many religions have a fundamental belief that no-one talks to god these days.
Last time I checked, there are thousands of people talking to god every sunday. Or every single day for that matter. But yea I get what you mean, it is believed god doesn't talk
So is he antisocial or something? Create an entire planet, an entire universe and then just sits there in the corner not even daring to talk to his creations? Oh wait let me guess. Somewhere in the bible there is a reason for that as well.
You can't see him, you can't touch him, you can't smell him and you can't even eat him! You pray to him, he doesn't answer back but if he does then people don't believe you because god doesn't talk to us humans! It's such a funny religion, the bible seems to only want to disprove the existance of god these days. Funny how that works.