Firstly, it's bogus (using it as evidence, I mean), and secondly, what sort of religious person is so insecure about their beliefs that they must find evidence to back it up?
Anyway, I have another little question I have been pondering about for a little while. Not to bash, not to harm and not to insult but... if a christian person claims to have seen god or jezus, and if god or jezus told him to kill a guy by throwing him off the empire state building, why is that person convicted for murder by a court that asks you to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you GOD? Given that that little sentance implies that the court takes faith in religion for the truthfullness of one's testimony (sp), why does the court not accept the idea that the defendand actualy saw god and that god actualy told him to kill the guy?
In other words, why are other christians immediatly calling people who claim to have seen god crazy? The only reason I can think off is because deep down they know that what they believe in is a big pile of BS. However, I would like to hear other reasons for this strange behavior because I don't realy get the point in praying for something, and then proceed to say that it's impossible for someone to see god.