None anymore apparently. No more hand luggage for UK flights as far as I heard.
But yea, Statikk is right again. It's much easier for a terrorist to use the media then to actualy make an attack. 9/11 set the basis, now everytime someone says 'BOO' everything is shut down and the army is called out to protect whatever it was you said BOO to.
Last year or so, someone forgot their suitcase on the trainstation. Minutes later the entire station was cleared out, bombsquad was called in, nationwide the train traffic was shut down for HOURS!. All they found were some clothes and a toothbrush...
If you realy want to throw a fuss, all you have to do is leave notes with 'There is a bomb in the area' absolutely everywhere. It shall provide glorious humor

What's your problem tiger boy? Feel a need to attack every post of mine?