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07-08-2006, 11:00 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
: Apr 2003
: Australia
: 683
Rep Power: 22
Seargentbig  (10)

(Ooc: Oh, yes, I would also like to make it clear that there are no random people (Sligs, muds, glukkons, etc.) in the factory - only the characters controled by the players. That is all.)

Duagen hadn't had a good night. He'd been discovered, shot, knocked out and captured within an hour of getting into the factory. By the looks of it, his morning isn't going to be any better. It certainly won't be when he wakes up.
Which he did. His head was throbing, his chest felt heavy and spending the night tied up on the floor of the store room meant that all his muscles everywhere were aching to no end. That is, the ones he could still feel. Suitibly, he greeted the day with a heartfelt groan.


Nails also woke up, but in the comfort of an R+R bed. Being the sort, he almost sprang up out of bed and left the room, soon finding a map on the wall and then heading towards the cafeteria.
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.