A Little Report on Saturn
I made a report on Saturn for school.
Hello, my name is Cass, and I am going to tell you about Saturn.
Right now, I’m going to tell you about its amazing rings. The rings are made up of chunks of ice from as small as dust to as big as cars! There are hundreds upon hundreds of these chunks caught in its gravitational pull. If you happen to see Saturn, get a normal telescope and you might be able to see the rings.
Now I’ll tell you about its numerous moons. Did you know, that it has over 50 moons, with some not yet discovered? Its biggest moon, Titan, is VERY cold, and is probably not the best tourist attraction. Titan is even larger than Mercury! It is the only moon in our solar system to have a fully developed atmosphere, weird huh?
My next subject is the weather. Saturn’s atmosphere is not very interesting to look at from afar. But with enhanced color imagery, you can se bands of AMAZING clouds. Saturn has so many RAGING storms, some could even tear you apart!
How about I throw in some interesting facts? Saturn is does not have a ‘surface’ in the sense that the earth does. It would be impossible to land a spacecraft on Saturn. But one could be made to drop slowly with a parachute and transmit information until the intense pressure of Saturn’s atmosphere crushed it.
The mythology of Saturn is pretty interesting. Saturn is named after the roman lord of the rings. He is the father of Jupiter. Jupiter overthrew Saturn because Saturn devoured his children. He ate them because he knew that one day one of them would take his power. Jupiter had managed to get away.
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