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04-27-2006, 03:54 PM
ANN NEELY's Avatar
: Dec 2002
: Hell
: 675
Rep Power: 23

(Stranger commenting on the dam)
Stranger: I never seen a place so damn big.....
(A gigantic Terry Gilliam hedgehog pokes out from behind the dam)
Hedgehog: DINSDALE!
MO: The Big Well:
(Abe is hanging off the pole on Vykker's Labs. Munch falls, missing Abe by two inches)
Abe: Dammit, Munch! That's the third time! Do we hafta give ya a parachute?!
SW: In Doc's Office:
Stranger (looking at operation papers): Hey! Coupons!
MO: The Ending (good)
(Humphrey and Irwin come into the operating room, and look at the chair, finding Zeeky H. Bomb from The Demented Cartoon Movie sitting in it)
Irwin: Aw, Shi--
Zeeky: Zeeky Boogy Doog!
*The labs blow up*
SW: The Depantsing
D. Caste Raider: Get them pants off!
(The Outlaws pull out their knives and do so, and suddenly stand back. Stranger is wearing pink frilly panties and thigh-high tights with garters)
*Everyone laughs*
Lorne: Dammit, guys!

------Take Two-----
Raider: Make them prance off!
Raider: What?? Wha'd I say?!
SW: New Yolk City
Skycart Joe: Piss off, poor boy! I ain't working with Strangers!
Stranger: You hear what the five fingers said to the face?
Skycart Joe: Uhh, yeah! Was it THIS!
*Joe punches Stranger, sending him flying*

----TAKE 2------
Stranger: You know what the five fingers said to the face?
Skycart Joe: Oh! Oh! Don't tell me! I know this one!
*Seven Hours Later*
(Stranger is asleep against a wall, while Joe still thinks)
Joe: Was, that ain't it.....
SW: In Buzzarton
Clakker: Well, squares us up! There's this other thing ya might wanna take a peek at.....
*The Clakker slides him a poster reading: WANTED! TEAM ROCKET!*
------TAKE 2-------
Clakker:......There's this other thing ya might wanna take a peek at.....
*The Clakker slides him a poster reading: *NSYNC: NEW CONCERT!*
Stranger: Dammit! Can't we get serious?!
SW: Inside the dam
*Stranger approaches the area where you fight the Gloktigi for the first time. The doors open, but a crowd of fangirls runs out and swarms Stranger*
Stranger: Agh! Help! Being violated!
SW: Opening Movie
*Grubbs pull up the net, containing Munch*
Munch: Hey! I was supposed to be on vacation! But NOOO! You had to drain the damn river I paid my (very expensive) airline tickets for!
Lorne: Sorry, Munch. Cut!
-------TAKE 2-----------
*Grubbs pull up the net, looking at the one fish*
*Grubb 1 Sings What Happened To The Water*
Grubb 2: Look, it wasn't funny the first five times you did it, why would it be funny NOW?!
Lorne: Get serious, guys, we're losing our light.
SW: The Ending
*Stranger hoists Sekto into the air, and roars*
*Cut to the Grubbs, who are sitting around playing Game Boy*
Grubb 1: Huh? Was that my cue?
Grubb 2: Aw, man! I got Bowseron the ropes!
SW: Mongo Valley
*Stranger walks into Doc's Retreat, to find Outlaws playing with a Pinata where Doc should have been hung*
Stranger:......You didn't invite ME?! *Sob*
SW: Mongo Valley
*Ash Ketchum and gang walk on screen and find Stranger*
Ash: What Poke'mon is THAT?!
*Pulls out Poke'dex*
Poke'dex: Stranger: Badass Poke'mon.......
SW: Stranger walks into what appears to be a lined sheet of paper*
Sranger: Where am I?
*The Teen Girl Squad walks up*
Cheerleader: Are you the new jock?
Stranger: Erm....
Cheerleader: That's what i thought!
*Stranger is drawn as a pink flower*
Whats Her face: Was that in the right context?
Cheerleader, So and So, The Ugly One: SOO GOOD!!!
Lorne Lanning:.....What the HELL was that?!?

All for now, I have a headache........

Last edited by ANN NEELY; 04-27-2006 at 04:19 PM..
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