Molt felt rather insulted that he was considered young. He barked to Kilsa, "Who are you calling young?! I'm 32, as a matter of fact, and I've been through more than you have! I can't be throwen all over the place by my idoit siblings! (Remember, sligs are all born from the same mother) And I have a reason to cuss too! I've been nearly blown to bits and throwen againist a wall when I was injured! And Srag was trying to be my assissant, until he gave me a look that made me look bad! No one does that Molt! So, shaddup!" Molt got up on his two arms and said, "Sorry to break conversation, but I've got find that idoit, my gun, and my slog." He started to head off to the exit.
Gappiqu nearly choaked on his laughter, about RG's joke, but swollowed it whole. He said, "So if you fall, I could break it. Since those doctors can put anything back together, there's nothing to worry about." Gappiqu went back to the rope, pulled on it and said, "Yep, it's all right. So you go up now."
Slap heard what Otto had said first, and then what Stuey said. He typed on his keyboard to Stuey, "Sorry sir, but at the moment, master Molt cannot live much longer without his medication. He needs help at the moment. But you may go down to the cafeteria to look for some slig named Arthur. But I might enjoy a nice lunch down there, after I do my chores." He headed off to the Grinders, not too soon after his typing.
OOC: T-Nex, don't forget about Max! He is still waiting for Freak to responde.