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04-25-2006, 11:41 PM
outlaw king's Avatar
outlaw king
Bola Blast
: Feb 2006
: The shivering isles!
: 441
Rep Power: 20
outlaw king  (10)

OOC: , uh , Dripik , correct me if im wrong , but werent my 3 sligs talking to Arnie ? it sounded like some characters walked right through them and started talking to Arnie , ignoring the fact that the sligs were already talking to Arnie when they arrived.


Stuey looked through his watery eyes at slap leaving the room , the pain in his heart suddenly left him , and he felt sorry for the hardworking intern , then he saw molt awake , which persuaded him more to get out of the room , he got up and walked towards Slap .

Stuey : Hey buddy , dont worry , its just a little mistake , and you ended up saving me from a un necessary and otherwise dangerous operation , you need'nt feel guilty . Dont bother with that laughing gas , it can be dangerous , a good talk and a big slurg milkshake works just as good . come on , lets go to the cafe , drinks are on me .

He realised about Slaps mouth .

Stuey : Oh , and did I mention they have special straws for Interns?


Kilsa spotted Stuey talking to Slap . He thought it best not to interupt . He then spotted Gore , and remembering the huge episode Molt had in the grinder rooms , he ran over to see how he was .

Kilsa : Hey ! hows it going?

He saw that Gore was in extreme discomfort , and that various medical personel were runnin over to help him.

Kilsa : Oh! sorry! Ill just go and to Molt.

Kilsa walked over to Molt , vagley overhearing his shouting earlier.

Wheres my idiot assistant Srag?

Kilsa : Mr Molt , since when was Srag your assistant? The only thing you did was pick him up and threatened to crush him ! Curb your temper young man , shift yer brain into high gear!

And with that he walked of , feeling suddenly happy that he gave the slig what he deserved .

Kilsa : that outta teach him , tsk , Sligs these days.

Last edited by outlaw king; 04-25-2006 at 11:55 PM..