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04-21-2006, 12:25 PM
Mojo's Avatar
Wired Forever!
: Dec 2001
: I'm everywhere...
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Mojo  (224)Mojo  (224)Mojo  (224)

Wel,, there's the almost-bald haircut for the Breton...

Heh, started over, and man, the Hernantier quest was hard! Finally beat the 2 Minotaurs after 3 hours. My eyes hurt...
TIP: Save before you enter the Test of Resolve, if you reload, you will get diff weapons. You're aiming for the weapon that does 80 Disintegrate Weapon, and then save again. Reload if both weapons aren't destroyed within the 9 uses. That'll take a big chunk off the range of the Minotaurs.
I'm watching you...
- You're a dick, Mojo.
- And you're still a dick.

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