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04-20-2006, 12:41 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
: Nov 2001
: Tampa Bay Area
: 3,335
Rep Power: 26
SeaRex  (33)

1. How do you get into the Thieves guild?
2.How do you know when you've found a Oblivion Gate?
3. How do you kill someone without them running off and getting guards?
1. I've heard that if you pull off a big enough crime, someone will approach you while you're in jail and give you a quest. However, there is an easier way to do it. Try talking to some of the beggars in the Imperial City. If they like you enough... they might tell you... certain things.

2. It shows up on your map and you get dialogue saying "You've found a Gate to Oblivion." And... I mean, they're big, fiery portals. Kinda hard to miss. XP However, you have to close the gate at Kvatch before anymore show up.

3. Logically, if you're being attacked, you're going to want to seek help. The general idea when murdering someone is to kill with the first strike. If you have a high enough sneak skill to get 6x Critical Damage, pretty much any dagger should do the trick.


CS, you're having a common glitch with 360 users. Happened to me, in fact. Save your game in front of one of the switches. Then turn off your console. Do the Xbox360 cache clear trick (restart the console via the controller, hold down "A" until the Bethesda screen shows up). Reload your game.

The switches SHOULD work now. It actually took me a couple tries before they started working. This is a common thing in Aylied ruins. For me, the problem eventually corrected itself and all of the switches in all of the ruins just started working again.
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