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04-19-2006, 07:40 AM
Cyber-Slig's Avatar
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: Jul 2004
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Cyber-Slig  (10)

Uh, you have to be member to access it... Anyways, I've been vampire for about 50 in-game days... But.... Is there anything else to it than just sucking blood and getting new attributes? I mean, in Morrowind you could get vampire-quests, but can you do that in Oblivion? I think its so annoying that when i need to do something in the daylight, and then suddenly i become 50% vampire... :-(

Also i think i find the looting-system a bit annoying. I loved the way it was in Morrowind, and you'd also find more variation... :-/
But i like the new combat style... Much funnier than the randomness thingy..
You're a Vampire? Damn, that sucks. I wonder what moron told you to become a Vampire.

And I gotta agree, Oblivion's terrain is way too repetitive. All the dungeons are either mines/caves, Ayleid ruins and forts. Why can't we have crypts? Or abandoned houses? And the normal terrain is just yucky. You get grass everywhere. Only difference is it's slighty-snowy grass in the North and slighty damp-grass in the South! I'll rely on the content downloads though. Frostcrag Spire sounds awesome. Who knows, more dungeon types in the future?

Edit: AlphaScrab, your personality will not lower if you keep drinking blood. If you stop, you become more Undead and lose personality. There are some Vampire hide-outs in the game, try Fort Hastrel to the North of Kvatch. Becoming a Vampire will not make you friends with Vampires though, they will still attack you on sight.

Oh and, I found this. Shows how great the face-gen is XD

Last edited by Cyber-Slig; 04-19-2006 at 07:44 AM..
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