As some of you might know, I have a very big interest in the world trade center and the events of September 11th. I have written an essey in school a few years back, descriping the possible involvement of the United States goverment in the entire tragedy. This essey covered the entire Twin Tower attack, and how it could have all been staged. Evidence provided in my essey was sketchy, but would have got you thinking.
Now a few years later, with Bush still in charge of America, more and more people are starting to doubt the events that happened on September 11th. And looking at the fact, they have every reason to. The official story can be picked apart by anyone with more then two working braincells, and in some cases you can even wonder if the US goverment actualy thought people would believe stuff like this.
Still believe Bush is a saint, a good guy with the best interest for America? Try watching
this movie , and be prepared to be swept away by cold hard FACTS, pretty much proving the official story the goverment send out is total bullshit. We may never know to what extend the goverment was involved, but everyone should agree after watching this, that you can't denie their involvement.
Movie (1,5 hours):
911 Loose Change 2nd Edition.
Of all the stuff that has happened, the thing I founds the most amusing, is how the FBI tried to make everyone believe that they actualy found a passport from one of the hijackers, after the Twin Towers had collapsed, while the Flight Data Recorders (black boxes) of the airplanes were nowhere to be found. That right there had be burst out in laughter.
Take your time to watch the movie. It might be long, but it's very very interesting. A must watch!