thread: Human Evolution
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03-05-2006, 08:30 AM
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Outlaw Sniper
: Feb 2005
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Dino  (10)

I thought it was established that once a cell has become a cell to do a certain job, it stays that way and cannot turn back into a stem cell (this basically means that if you changed the DNA of a person the existing cells would not change, but any new growth would be the growth of whatever you programmed it to be).

So you'd end up with patches of fur and weird random lumps and things. You'd basically end up with a hideously disfigured human.

Now, drifting back to the topic of evolution, take this into account; there's good evidence to show that as a species we've started to split up into different sub-types that do different jobs, and there's actual physical evidence to show that we're still evolving from when we first evolved into humans. Our appendixes are getting smaller, for instance.

Much more subtle will be changes to adapt to the modern world. Increased resistance to newer toxins and pollutants, as well as further adaptation to using clothing (less body hair). etc.
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