Okay , these new characters will be making an entrance soon.
Name :Phlug
Species : glukkon
Appearance : Phlegs cousin , he has the basic appearance of phleg , and wears the same suit.
Age : 23
Wears : phlegs clothes ( phleg gave them to him on his death bed ( clothes are very important to gluks ) so phlug wears them all the time )
Occupation : Phlug makes and designs the magog cartels train system . He invented the original , first magog train , he keeps it in his HUGE office .
Name : too many to count.
Species : all sligs
Occupation : Slig engineers , they make the trains , drive the trains , deliver the trains . If you see a magog train , its these guys who built it . Theres over 5000000 of em.
Wears : All sligs wear standard boiler suits , and a sriped engineers cap . Every slig has purple googles , instead of black . This shows that they work for the magog practical engineering union , and are not security guards.
Appearance : They are perfectley normal sligs , except some have tattoos , cos theyre tuff as hell! And the trademark purple visor.
Name : Srug napier
Species : Slig
Age : Mid 30s
O0ccupation : Crook
Appearance : A normal slig , maybe a little taller and greener than the average slig.
Clothing : If youve seen the original " Batman " , Srug is almost identical to Jak napier . He wears a dark black wool trenchcoat , and a black fedora with a flat top , under his coat he wears a purple suit .
Bio : Srug is a under ground gangster , his gang owns a large percent of the magog cartel , and he operates near rupture farms .
Carrys : A hand gun and a pack of lung busters
Name : hoods 1, 2 ,3, 4 ,and 5
Occupation : gangsters
Age : late 20s
Appearance : Same as srug
Clothing : The original oddysee slig visor eyepiece , and every slig wears a black fedora hat .
Bio : Nothin interesting , they work for srug.
Carrys : Every hood has a pack of cigarillo lung busters and a standard handgun.
Last edited by outlaw king; 03-11-2006 at 01:56 PM..