thread: Human Evolution
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03-03-2006, 12:27 AM
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Grubb Fisherman
: Oct 2002
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Adder  (11)

Humans have already evolved, into shape-shifters(1), commonly known as REPTILES(2)... humans like world leaders and the royal family are not human, because there blood is different, they are humans that can imitate as reptilians(3).
Okay, I've heard all this before but you got it WRONG!

(1): Shapeshifters have been around for AGES (literaly). France actualy tried someone as a werewolf during the... not sure of century, but I think around 1600's. Shifters appear in most cultures. Ireland has the Póka. Japan has the Kitsune. If you interpret it, Vikings had Beserkers who could gain animal-like strength and state of mind.

(2): This is not true. Shifters are known as Shifters. They can take mamalian forms too, although some may be reptilian.

(3): This is based on the Rh factor of blood (esentialy O-). The idea of reptilian aliens (since O- people have slightly stronger reptilian symptoms than others) is a very easy to ignore theory. One website goes as far as to say "Jesus was a lizard alien". Ireland has a very high O- concentration.

I think shifting is possible (m-shifters, definitly. Physical... metaphysics plausable, phyisics doesn't dis-prove it).
"Lizard babies" - No. I have a tail bone. That means nothing.
Please read this clearly unbiased website for more info.

Website won't load. Will try to find another one
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