Name: Jakob Tomahawk
Sex: Male
Age: 24 (Human years)
Race: Mudokon
Weapon: A massive blade, like the pyramid heads in SH have, except covered in glowing neon blow runes along its length. Also uses backup knives.
Gear: Orb of Light (Baseball-sized glass ball covered in leather, except for one area, so it is like a flashlight. In the inside there is a scrap of sunlight that was enchanted into it.), Mail-backed leather clothes, several distraction grenades, and a visor like the sligs, with giger-counter, infrared, and thermal settings.
Description: Has short, cropped, brown hair. He is tall, but not overly so, just enough to give him an edge in battle. He is also skinny. His eyes are blue, and he has long fingers. His back has a tatto of a scrab and paramite attacking each other, and another tatto of what looks like Bigface's mask on his chest. When he fights, it is said that the tattos seem to shimmer slightly. His eyes show suppresed pain.
Personality: He is a usually kind and happy person. He always trys to keep people positive about something, since he has seen firsthand how badly a battle can go when the team isn't 'feeling it'. When he is angry, however, he is brutally ruthless. The sligs who killed his family learned that firsthand. Fiercly loyal, he will defend even a former friend he has not seen in years.
Biography: Born into an average family that lived near around Tranville in the wild, Jakob did not know much about the war. His parents caught the defensive fever, and ran off to fight, believing that they were defending there son. They left him only in the care of the elderly shaman of the villiage, who was named Tree-talker. His mother died in the battle, but his father stumbled home with mortal wounds. After two days of caring for him, four sligs broke down the door to, as they said, 'finish the job'. After a brief struggle, in which Tree-talker was shot and his father's throat slit, Jakob tackled two of the sligs and was restrained. Nothing beyond this is know, except from the facts found in a later reprt made by a paramite-hunter who had found the sligs body:
"Now, the body were really torn up, and so at first I thought some poor bastards had been caught in the open. I looked closer, though, and it looked like someone had ripped them apart using only their hands. It spooked me well, it did."
Later investigation revealed that Jakob had apparently gone into a muderous rage, broke free from the bonds, and hurled himself at the leader. He then promptly tore apart the other three. Jakob will not reveal how he got his runeblade. The only hint given is that he found it somewhere in the deepest reaches of the Sanctuary.