$19.95 is pretty pricey for a mere 5-6 hours of gameplay.
Then again, it's HL2. I think little updates like these are pretty cool... if only it weren't so expensive.
Bah. And here I am, condemned to only play HL2 on school computers, simply because I don't have anything powerful enough at home to play it. Which means I won't have a chance to play this new episode. Ah well.
SeaRex, you could just go to the nearest game place, if you have one. Like Howies, or, I highly doubt it, a Kewlzone. They have top-of-the-line compys there, and they get copies of all the top games on all of 'em. I've played a fully detailed Half-Life 2 there myself a lot of times. And it only costs $5-$4 per hour to be there. I'd suggest KewlZone though.