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02-27-2006, 01:00 PM
used:)'s Avatar
: Jun 2005
: Tranquil Vestiges, PA
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Blog Entries: 42
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used:)  (3040)used:)  (3040)used:)  (3040)used:)  (3040)used:)  (3040)used:)  (3040)used:)  (3040)used:)  (3040)used:)  (3040)used:)  (3040)used:)  (3040)

Then someone pointed out it lacked PAs normal bad spelling, and in the next post the hacker was spelling like some sort of fingerless gorilla.
Speaking of, I've heard in lots of places PA had horribly typed posts with no good grammar at all. But I have never seen these kinds of posts. Was he condemned to go back a retype all of his posts with good grammar or something?

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