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01-31-2006, 11:23 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
: 1,465
Rep Power: 20
Slaveless  (36)

How about this?

Race: Slig
Gender: Male
Appearance: Over all, an extermely old slig. 12 years over life span. Partical all metal. His only exposure of skin is his tentacles. Molt has burnt tentacles and missing ones as well. He has the metal of upgraded protection metal with all sorts of dents and lines. His pants have springs to it and has only two metal fingers on one hand. He carries around a large wolvark gun with him.
Personally: Rough to anyone, except to glukkons. He thinks everyone and anyone besides him is an idoit.
Backstory: He was 29 when he was changed forever. All his life he had idolized big bro sligs. He loved the ripling mulses across those bodies. The guns had even made him impressed. It wasn't soon before he signed forms to become one. However, the day before he became one, a mudokon possessed him. He remembered nothing, but for some reason, he surived. He was the first to surive possession. The deterimation made him want to surive. However, it cost him greatly. His spine was twisted, his tail and his arms were all broken permantly, and his most of his tentacles disappeared. He also lost two fingers. Vykkers made sure he had medical treatment. He had all sort of metal across him now, that replace his real body. Unfortunently, he could not have any steroid treatment, for Molt's body would be worse. He knows now that he fought for nothing. He now is 32, and can be kind of be elected for most hated. He has also grown bulkier, from his excrises. He was transfered to Rupture Farms for better surcurity.
Weapon: Wolvark gun and his slicer hand
New Bio: Lately, he's been calling everyone, even glukkons, idoits. His first job hasn't been assigned yet, but he decided to work on the grinders. Because of an accident involving the Gore Rifle, his arm that had 4 fingers on it blew off, his sight has been inffected and parts of artteries have been inffected.

Name: Gappiqu
Race: Slig
Gender: Male
Appearance: Like any normal slig. The only difference is that he has large silver pants that are unnessessaryly wide.
Bio: He is patheic to other sligs. He has failed all gun use classes in Slig Barracks. He only made it out of that torture chamber was that he exceded mine, grenade, and detoniaters use. His wide pants had built in pockets, that's use is for containment of bombs of such sort. Gappiqu also worked as an engineer in Vykker's Labs and currently working on the Gore rifle. He also was done surgrey on for some reason. No one has the record what it was for. He is also very shy and never takes off his pants.
Weapons: Detoniators, Mines, and a pistol without bullets.
New Bio: He lately has been less shy around people and trying to make emenies with muds.The Gore rifle is now complete and he's trying to see if there's a difference between the Gore gun with another. He has revealed that he has Steef legs under his pants, but only to Goresplatter. He has also said to Goresplatter that he is in love with Anni.

Name: Slap
Race: Intern
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Job: Worker Intern; does not have experience with a Snuzi.
He is trying to be excepted for a doctor because of his underdevoleped race. He has medical knowledge on treating wounds, proper sedation, treating drug abuse, treating led poisining, limb replacments, loss of limb treatment, and I even know flu signs.
Appearance: Usually carries a box of medince supplies and the such. Small gut. Averge Intern appearance except for the aprion he wears.
Bio: Since he was a small child, he dreamed of becoming a real time doctor. But his opinions were drawen out when he learned how "undevolped" his spieces was. His cries of freedom couldn't not be heard because of his snitches. But that didn't stop him. When he signed himself as a apperentice, he would always slap down his homework in a second. That's why he's called Slap. He successed in the intern ship, and after years of training, he got the lower class of Vykker doctor ship. That was enough for him.
Items: He carries a laptop to commucate to people.
New Bio: He has been hired by Dek as his assisstent.

Race: Slig
Gender: Male
Age: He died at the age of 11.
Appearance: Averge slig, with mask, pants, and gun
Bio: He is only known in Gappiqu's memories. He does not and never has, worked at Rupture Farms.

Name: Max
Race: Slog, with a tad bit of Sleg in him.
Gender: Male
Age: 3 and a half.
Appearance: Short compared to an adult slog, but is tall for a Slog's age. He also has a Sleg-skull, feathers, tusks, and has similar legs to one. His skin is a dark purple as well.
Bio: His family is a cross over with a Sleg, so he's sort of a combination of Sleg and Slog, but mainly Slog. He was raised by Molt at birth and is quite intellgent for a Slog, due to consist Slig interaction. He now in Rupture Farms.

Name: Bonty
Race: Mudokon
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Appearance: Brownish-Gray skin, for his miserbleness. He has nothing else that is distincly different, besides his scar on his left cheek and his black, wounded foot.

Personality: Rather lonely and miserble at times. He wouldn't disobey a slig or even try to think to disobey a slig. But he rather gullible, making him an easy target to fall into a meatsaw.

Backstory: He was the missing mudokon in Bonewerks. Bonty's is full of mishap and luckness. He is lucky that every time he is tricked, his buddies come to save the day. Bonty had thought that the bones he was collecting, was Slog bones, so he never got stitches. And when he heard of Abe, he considered himself the luckist mudokon to see a savior. Unfortunenly, Abe missed him, and he had to escape from the gas on his own. Luckly, he reached a train, and boarded it before it left. Unfortunenly, he arrived at a Vykker Labs, which, of course, Abe missed too. He had been miserble since. He was grateful to hear that Molt had left, for he had killed oe of his buddies, and killed his only slig friend as well. He was grateful that he left, but was miserble to hear that he was being tranfered back with him.

Last edited by Slaveless; 05-08-2006 at 03:51 PM.. : Little more detail