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01-27-2006, 01:10 PM
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Not Leto
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we should ban atheism, you're reaction is the same as mine.
You can never ban athiesm, because if there is religion, not all people buy into it. Not all of us think "Hey dere be dun gawd up in 'eavens comin' to take me 'n mah momma when we die!".

The situation: Abeguy type Christians, stop slapping us non beleiving 'satanists' with the holier than thou shite. All you're doing is making everyone angry.
Athiest extremists, keep it in your pants. All you are doing is continuing the arguement which cannot be resolved, for even if something does not exist, some people will still grasp onto it like it really does.

Go screw yourself, Adder. There's a difference between conversation and spam, sir mod.

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