Even if we find 'free energy' we have something else to worry about...The moon getting farther away from us, after a while we'll be underwater. And if THOSE don't happen we'll probably be killed by blue zombies.
... Which would be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. The moon is creeping away at the rate of 3.8 centimetre a year. That's the same rate your fingernails grow. Even still, in 15 billion years it should stabilise at about 640,000 kilometers, which should leave it looking about 3/4 it's present size from earth. Which is a moot point as the sun will have swallowed the earth and moon long before then anyway.
Information gleaned from the world's best resource on Armaggedon:
http://www.exitmundi.nl/exitmundi.htm where they compile all the possible ways for the world to end, ranging in the likely (global warming, enegry crisis) to the unlikely (nuclear physicists split subatomic particles causing the entire universe to implode) to the religious and/or mythical (Ragnarok, the Borg).,