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01-23-2006, 10:43 AM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
Dark Elite_H2
Outlaw Sniper
: Apr 2005
: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
: 1,625
Rep Power: 21
Dark Elite_H2  (10)

First off, I've heard that the hurricane that hit New Orleans, people said it was a message from God. Now, I'm not going against Christianity, but honestly.
I do believe Global Warming will kill us all one day. The ozone in the arctic is so thin, it may actually break, 'r somethin' like that from what I've heard of.
Yes, we'll all drown from the oceans, so get yer rafts ready and yer water wings.
It may be another message from God.
The Stranger's girl

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