What can i say, the situation seemed to call for it! And she solves a problem that's been present since Stivik began his investigation.
Name: DS-P.L7 v4 (Dionysia)
Race: 'Dark Skin' Mudokon: nice genetic engineering job. Odd bless the industrials for all these interesting character possibilities!
Gender: Female
Age: Mentally 18 by human standards. Hatched 3 years ago.
Appearance: Skin is a dark grey, almost black (big shock). She wears a dyed red cloth wrapped round her lower regions and another round her upper chest where she shows particular female features. Like a normal mudokon she is muscular but less sinuous. SLightly taller than average, eyes are normal yellow and feather is purple, red and plack and flows all the way down her back stopping just above her lower garment [clothing]. Her lips are stitched.
Bio: The original industrial 'Dark Skin Project' was intended to create mudokons with the behaviour more like sligs or glukkons and less like scrubs. Originally the male creations came out with psychopathic inclinations to kill anything and everything. By version 7 of the project the experiment team realised a hormone necessary for a mudokon to grow was causing this fault. However, female mudokons created in the past never had this hormone and the vykkers, taking this into account, attempted to engineer a female 'Dark Skin'. The fourth prototype in this series was cristened Dionysia by her makers and proved to be reasonably successful, if a little to Skillya-like for comfort. Not to be outdone, the vykkers decided to dump her on some poor glukkon who was causing a stir in the Cartel but no one wanted to remove from his job cus, quite frankly, he was good at it. Shortly afterwards she was shipped off to Rupture Farms with a private message to Arnie.
Dionysia (or Dion) likes to be thought of as threatening and a bit evil. She can be patronising and arrogant, or kind and supportive, depending on which she hinks will get the most out of the person she is faced with. Very nasty to people naive enough to cause her trouble.
Old idea given new form! Now to put her into action...
Last edited by Splat; 01-20-2006 at 02:10 PM..