Well I'm only in Year 8 (age 12-13) and I guess it's okay but at our school every half year we get Effort and Attainment Grades mine are normally not to bad but are music teacher is so rubbish she can't control the really naughty kids and she gave mostly every one in the class Effort=C and Attainment=C but she gave a girl in are class who is good a C and D and someone who is naughty C and A. I hate wearing school Uniform mostly every school in England has to wear it. On muffty day which is when you wear your own clothes I wear Baggy Jeans Black Top and Skater/Converse shoes, Townies/Chavs start taking the p!$$ out of you just because of your clothes. I was thinking of moving school wear my best goes but I probably won't I have quite a few friends but a few a really @$$e$ but there okay.
I'm good at art so I get on with my Art Teacher,TECH and Drama is okay is well.