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01-04-2006, 12:05 PM
Oddish's Avatar
Outlaw Semi Auto
: Mar 2004
: Ma' Spa
: 2,431
Rep Power: 23
Oddish  (10)

My school is a hell hole. I don't like the system of the way things work, my school is money hunrgy. School Lunch meals prices have risen up by 35p , and it costs £1.45 for main. Christmas dinners are even more expenisve, instead giving us free food. School uniform is expensive as usual.

There are few teachers I don't like or can't stand, but I like Business teacher, he's cool. Now most teachers are aright once you reach the final year, but the first years I hated it.
The school pissed my off a few times, some teaches including, especially being put in low class filled with idiots, it was fustrating. It's a crumy place, I know this becuase there's a Latin Grammer school right next door which I use their bus to travel to mine, and the atmosphere is so different and easly to compare schools. For that I sign in late everyday, and this ame woman gives me the evils. Waiting in line for lunch can be very annoying, being the impatience persone I am when it comes to hunger, then finding the cateen being full.

I chose ICT for one of my CGSE options, which I was expecting to do for one of my studies. It turns I don't it for some mistikanen reason, now no one told anything about this error or whatever. So I've asked a few months later, and they tell my it's too late. Well I had no information why, I was excepting some news, but no. I'll admit it was partly my fualt for not asking something I didn't know about. That was one subject wasted, even thought I though I could something with it. I've learnt my lesson, but I felt ignored, and it was inportant to me.

Ironicly, my school misspelt "Educaion" on a sign infront of the school, missed out 't'

"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys "
~ Lorne Lanning 15/02/2000
"We knew there were more of us out there, and were gunna find them!" ~ Abe

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