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01-03-2006, 06:32 PM
used:)'s Avatar
: Jun 2005
: Tranquil Vestiges, PA
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used:)  (3040)used:)  (3040)used:)  (3040)used:)  (3040)used:)  (3040)used:)  (3040)used:)  (3040)used:)  (3040)used:)  (3040)used:)  (3040)used:)  (3040)

Sorry to bring this back, but I am far too in love with this game.

The graphics are stunning, absolutely stunning. I haven't seen such graphics since Final Fantasy. Tghe NPC's are brilliant too. It may have taken them 4 years to make a such a work, but it is certainly worth it.

I was reading on wikipedia that they originally tested the NPC's capabilities by giving them a task. One was supposed to rake some leaves and was handed some itemk, but not a rake. The other needed that item for their task, but was given a rake. The two killed eachother to get the items.

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