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01-03-2006, 08:38 AM
TomFrogman's Avatar
: Nov 2005
: Australia
: 68
Rep Power: 20
TomFrogman  (10)
Oddworld About Time

I remember coming here often to check out the latest Oddworldian news and banter all the time a few years back - although I never joined the forums at the time. For a while there, it seemed as though Oddworld had died out and along with it went the forums. However, I logged in today and heard of the news that Oddworld would be making a full length feature film and I am so damn overjoyed.

Oddworld is back and where it always belonged, in my opinion. Lorne is an excellent storyteller and the videogames, whilst great fun, have been restricting his creativity (just take a look at MO). Ever since Abe's Exoddus came out I've been wanting to see Oddworld on the big screen due to its memorable FMV moments. I can't wait.

However, on the subject of hiring professional voice actors, that's all well and good, but there are some characters that must remain untouched. Abe could be voiced by no other, Director Phleg, the Vykkers... Lorne is a suprisingly good voice actor (putting to shame many other voice actors, video game and movie alike) and Oddworld just wouldn't be Oddworld without those memorable characters and their whacky voices. I see no reason why Lorne couldn't voice some major characters. He's not 'movie quality'? Pfft, I've heard and seen worse.

The same goes for their cut scenes. Obviously they'll be improving themselves graphically and taking things up a few notches, but when you compare Oddworld game FMV's to various CGI Films, I'd say they're not far off the mark. Besides, without having to devote their efforts to gameplay and programming it's only logical that they're going to be doing their best to create some stunning visuals.

I for one have no doubt Lorne and the rest of the crew at OWI will pull this off. And with flying colours too.
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