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10-23-2005, 08:11 AM
AquaticAmbi's Avatar
Fish out of Water
: Sep 2004
: Florida
: 1,178
Rep Power: 21
AquaticAmbi  (10)

That's disgusting and sick.

Piss off.
Like what you said in the Halloween thread was any better? You're just as much of a disgusting little assmonkey.

So please, both of you piss off together and find another place for you two to talk about the feminine monthly event that you both find so amusing.

Away from this assmonkey business...

I voted that my favorite time period wasn't listed. I'd still say that it was the 1980's for no other reason than it just feels sentimental to me. But for studying history, I've always enjoyed studying the times of Ancient Egypt best. Such awesome shtuff.
Only a fool in here would think he's got anything to prove

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