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10-17-2005, 07:04 PM
a flock of seagulls's Avatar
a flock of seagulls
Rabid Fuzzle
: Jan 2004
: internet
: 534
Rep Power: 22
a flock of seagulls  (10)
That time of year again

So what are you going to be for halloween?
I'm gonna be a good ol' classic zombie, plain an simple.
I've got the walk down, working on the groan.
All I need is some ragged torn clothing, and some fake blood.
I'm not doing the retarded Frankenstien walk, but the walk from RE: 1, the second zombie you see (I think) with the dislocated foot.
Yay for hiding in bushes, waiting to scare the crap out of kids and steal their candy.
Location: Poking Rich In Bed
I find it odd you're poking him.

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