Wow, yeah... This was just around the corner.
Sports I play... Well I used to be avid horse rider, last year I shared a horse with a friend at one of the local stables. Unfortunately in January I fell off and lost my confidence, but I was able to canter well and was going to learn how to gallop. The horse I shared was called Gypsy, she's beautiful.
I also love netball, and I'm going to try out for the school team next week. I love playing wing-attack and I play regularly with my friends and in P.E. In the past I've played center for the school team.
I also love football [or Soccer to you yanks]. Unfortunately there's no girl's football team in my school/local area, but last year my friends and I [we formed an informal team] never lost a game.
But I suck at athletics, I'm a better sprint runner and when we have cross country I'm half dead even before we have to run up the hill. >_<
But I also play random games every so often with my friends, like basket ball, laser tag, hockey, badminton, tennis and other random sports.
I like sports, it's fun and a good way to know your friends better.
- Rexy