Yeah. Unfortunetely, when I told yeh 'bout the two Oddworld stories, well, this is the one I'm restarting. So, it'll be a while before the next part comes up. The story before wasn't too good, so now this one'll be better. Be patient, and stay odd! And keep yer story comin', diablo!
[Edit] Oh, and if you want to see Umi, the attatchment's below.
Well, I can give you a little bit that I've finished already, but the rest'll be a while.
During the night, she had tumbled off of her stone bed, having one of those "falling" dreams. Very common to her when she went to sleep on a bed.
Umi snapped awake when she slammed on the ground, wide-eyed and shocked. Then, she realized what happened, and groaned. Stranger was sound asleep, not even bothered at her droppin and groaning.
'Maybe it's better if I sleep on the ground...' she thought, crawling towards Stranger's back.
She still felt a tad bit sorry that he still had to sleep on the rocky, dirty, filthy ground.
So, she folded her vest again, in a pillow fashion, then lifted his heavy head, and slipped the vest underneath. Then, lowered his head gently on to the vest, stoking his hair from his face. He sighed heavily, and rubbed his face over her vest, but didn't wake as if something happened. But he seemed to more enjoy the vest under his head. She smiled at his sound-sleep action, then layed on her back, her hands under her head.
Now, she was thinking way back on Earth, when she was just a regular person, with no odd powers, playing with her real, normal friends. But since she thought back, the memories tied with Earth came to view. The battles between the Autobots and Decepticons.
Then, the frightful day of the transmission from the Covenant. The Master Chief, Halo, and it's terrible power. Every single event that happened through her life turned up in her mind.
Then, the Clakkers, and Stranger.
What would happen next in her young, reckless, hapless life? She wondered the same thing, too.
Years has passed on when she kept asking herself, "When will things be normal again?" and everytime she thought of that, some terrible event would come to mind.
Now she was beginning to quit asking herself that question, for nothing would be normal to her again.
She fell asleep again, with that thought in mind