Yeah. Sorry. My mom kinda rushed me to go, so I edited the rest of the ending on there. Anyways, yeah. Thanks, diablo!
Umi meets the stranger.
Pain ran through her body as if someone chucked a large boulder right on her body. Maybe because she just crash-landed on Oddworld, skin with no protection. She was opening her eyes, only to see darkness with a red-orange glow to the roof. She was laying on a flat stone bed, which made her have more uncomfortable pain rush through her. Umi felt as if she was laying in the pit of hell, for the fiery glow and the much uncomfortable heat made it feel like she was. She groaned, as she raised an arm to rub her itching eyes that bothered her the moment she opened them. She heard a heavy sigh from the left side of her face. She froze immediately, the jerked her head to the sound. Her eyes widened, as she sat up and screamed bloody murder. She saw the stranger that had kidnapped her.
The stranger had the kind of hairy face you would see on a monkey or ape. He also had a beard and a hairy head of light brown and tan-colored hair. He had muscularate arms and large forearms with five large fingers and long sharp nails. He wore a jade-green tank-top, and tan tights. On his feet were large cowboy boots that looked from an old spaghetti western film. He was staring at her, with a grin of interest on his lips. His eyes were more luminous bright green than the last time she saw them.
But Umi bundled up her legs in her arms, still looking at the stranger. She could see that he was of no harm, but last time she learned that was when she thought the Decepticons were no enemies.
The stranger, still looking at her distilled fear, leaned back, still with a grin on his face. She couldn't stand the utter silence no more, so she decided to interrogate the stranger.
"W-who are you?" Umi began to ask.
The stranger's grin turned in to more of a slight smile, with stained teeth baring.
"'Bout time you wake," he replied with a voice so low and timbre, it was nearly ominous to Umi, which made her more fearful.
The stranger stood up, and walked over to the fire, and began to feed it wood.
Umi began to relax more, lowering her bundled legs over the edge of the stone bed. She looked at the stranger from the back of his head, wondering if he would do anything to harm her. She got back to her question the stranger didn't answer.
"Who are you?"
"People 'round these parts call me Stranger," he replied, tossing in the last bits of wood in to the growing fire, then turned around, and sat on a flat stone in front of Umi.
"but my question is, who are you?"
Umi's throat tightened, but swallowed so she could speak clearly.
"Tamira-Tamira Maria Wialls," she said with raspness in her voice,
"but call me Umi,"
Stranger nodded to her reply, then searched for other questions he was dying to ask.
"So...yer a human, ey? Where yeh from?" he asked.
'Curious person,' Umi thought.
"Well, I can say I'm from nowhere around here," Umi replied her bit of answer. Stranger still looked at her eyes directly, waiting for more. She searched for the right answer,
"I'm from Earth, but really I'm from this other place in space. It would be kinda hard to explain,"
"Earth? Hmm...never heard such a place," Stranger rubbed his beard in a thinking sort of way.
"I can say, since out of my consciousness, this place is but another copy of Earth," Umi looked out the cave entrance.
The sunset's golden-orange glow shone off the cave walls. Birds flocked in front of the golden sun, and wolf howls echoed off the sun-burnt trees. Umi still looked out the cave, her lips curving down in to a frown. Stranger looked back to Umi, but his lips curled down as well when he saw her.
"What's wrong?" he asked in a concerned way.
A tear was forming in the corner of her eye. She snuffled, wiping away the tear.
"Nothing, nothing. Just feeling a little...homesick," Umi looked away from the cave spout.
But Stranger could sense more that just homesickness, but he dared not to ask more to upset the human more than she was now. He searched his mind again for something else to ask, but he wasn't much on his conversational skills.
"Nice bow you got there," Umi spoke, looking at a folded-up bow in a corner, with a triangular leather-armored poncho and a broad hat with darts ringed around the head and two holes in the back.
Stranger looked back at the bow, the back to Umi with another grin on his face. He went back to his stuff, and brought back the bow.
"This is a...semi-automatic, custom-made, high tension bow, with optional sniper/snooper scope, and twin barrels," Stranger unfolded the bow to show her.
Umi's eyes widened as she looked down at the bow with much interest. Then her eyes relaxed, and looked back up at Stranger with confusion.
"So...what exactly do you use for ammo?" she asked.
He reached down on his leather belt on his tights, and brought up a pouch that seemed to come to life. Umi's head backed away from the pouch, thinking something that would jump out of the pouch. He opened the sack, and little critters jumped out of the opening. The critters scattered around Umi's bed, but looking at her with interest. One little critter, with light brown fur and adorible red eyes, jumped on her lap. It looked up at her, in to her ocean-blue eyes. Umi didn't make any sudden movements. She just looked at the critter.
"Stranger. What is it?" she asked over to him, not moving her eyes away from it. Stranger looked down at the creature.
"That's a Fuzzle. Nasty lil' varmins, but good fer traps. Don't move, just let it sniff yeh out," Stranger said with a bit of caution in his voice.
Umi still didn't move an inch from her pose. The Fuzzle then began to sniff out Umi's clothes, moving over to her arms. Then, leaped up on her chest, and then sniffed on her face. The Fuzzle looked at her nearly in an ominous way, but then rubbed itself friendly-like over her face.
"It likes yeh already,"
Umi let the Fuzzle jump in to the palms of her hands. She saw a couple of things fly over her head. One that looked of a purple armadillo, and a yellow wasp.
"Thud Slugs, good fer knocking out Outlaws. Stingbees, they fire's fast," Stranger caught the bugs in mid-air.
"Boom-bats. They blow up," he also caught the critter that had black fur, spikes on it's bottom, and wings on it's head.
Two little rat-looking critters moved near Umi. One smelled bad, and one kept chattering at other creatures nearby.
"A Stunk," he picked up a black rat, with a white stripe running down from it's nose all the way to it's tail. "make them Outlaws, puke. There's a Chippunk," he snatched up the chattering critter, that had tan-colored fur with also a white stripe running down from it's nose to it's tail.
Then, a spider crawled up Umi's leg. She looked at the giant blue spider, then began to whimper, holding her arms away from it. Stranger looked at Umi's face, then chuckled to himself. "Take's it yer not a spider person, huh?" Stranger plucked off the spider from her leg. Umi shook her head, still looking at the giant spider. "Bolamites. Good fer wrappin' up, Outlaws," he dropped the Bolamite in to the sack again.
"Wait a second. You keep on saying Outlaws. Are you...a bounty hunter or something?" Umi asked, raising her brow up high.
"Yup," he replied deeply, returning his bow and sack to the rest of his stuff, and sitting back down.
"Really? Wow! Never met a bounty hunter before! Is it hard being a bounty hunter?" Umi asked with great interest.
"Sorta. Got's teh, get them down before you can, bounty 'em up. Get 'em alive, and you get more moolah. Get's 'em dead, an' you get less," Stranger explained.
She slightly chuckled to herself. Stranger looked at her in a confusingly way.
"What's so funny?"
"The thought of you, using live ammunation, just to take down Outlaws," Umi smiled, trying to stop from laughing.
"Purdy damn good, if I say so myself," Stranger opinionated.
Umi calmed down slowly, breathing deep from her laughingfest.
"I had weapons of my own. But they got lost when I crash-landed here. I wish I knew where they were," Umi slumped down, her pamls on her cheeks, and her elbows on her knees.
"You mean these things?"
Stranger reached from his left pouch, and brought up her Plasma Rifle and Needler.
"Hey! How'd you find these?" Umi snatched them away from his hands.
"Found them in the Oppal fields near town. Reckon nobody would have 'em, so I took them. Eh...never liked guns anyways," Stranger said.
Umi felt a little better with defensive weapons in her grasp.
"Well'p, reckon it's time fer us to hit the hay. We be needed to be fully rested fer tomorrow," Stranger said, slipping off his seat.
"Tomorrow?" Umi repeated in a questionly way.
"Yep. We're goin' bounty huntin' tomorreh," Stranger layed on the ground. Umi felt a little sorry he had the dust and she had a bed.
"Take my bed if you want,"
"Nah. I'm fine. Too uncomfy fer me," Stranger shook his hand to her.
Umi layed flat on her belly, hoping some comfort of the stone bed would come to her.
"Well, it was nice, talkin' to yeh," Stranger said to her over his shoulder.
Umi mumbled to him, for she was ready to go to sleep. She unwrapped herself from her demin vest, and folded it in to a fashion, like a pillow, and layed her head on it. When her head got comfortable, she rested her eyes, still looking at the stranger who "kidnapped" her.