Characters name: greeter~241
Age: around 40 to 50 years
Species: outdated greeter model
Bio:first off the production line greeter was created with all the bugs and faults that were yet to be ironed out of the later models ((didnt do much of a good job eh

)) his original base of actions was gaurding the feeco depo but was shipped out after its voice box burned out multiple times in the end they stopped fixing him then they stopped caring untill one day the greeter wheeled itself into a wall damaging its AI completly shutting itself down ..untill now as it began to run its start up finding itself in a endless storage room checking its internal IPS he found he was located in "rupture farms"
Personality: sarcastic forgetfull fickle also shares a split personality due his damaged AI the other side is more helpfull yet still thinks its in feeco caussing it to bump into walls
Items/weapons: non what so ever just the display unit it uses to interact also used for electrocuting anything in its way