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07-30-2005, 08:47 PM
grubb_runt's Avatar
: Jul 2005
: england
: 74
Rep Power: 20
grubb_runt  (10)

name: runt

speacies: grubb

apearance: short stubby with deep red eyes this grubb stands out a mile off
but remains unotesed due to his size he wears a gold pendant around his neck he has had all his life as for his clothes worker clothes are now what he wears
species: Frayda Evryting.((grubb)

age: unknown

Occupation: cleaner / worker

Personality:a generally freindly lil guy but is easly scared but once befreinded can help out in anyway he sees possible

hates: being poked prodded anything that moves fast or makes loud noises
guns an lack of water an crates

loves: water slimy fish serenity an any chance at freedom

backstory: bought an sold as a slave rut was shipped from place to
place since he could remember most of his life he spent in a small crate with a few holes
in the roof but a slight change acoured one day when he was droppped off at a new factory filled with
"wonder full things" he was told by a deep voice outside his box just before it was smashed open for him
to see himself as he now was presented with a mop an bucket soon after as was told to "work"......

picture :P


"cry not for us our souls survive justice awaits the water rise"