We should have laws against that kind of stupidity, that old woman should be bitched slapped with a Fish, Mini-adventure style.
I can see Amber's point, and to a certain extent i agree. Actually, no, i do agree with it, totally. Not everyone can be the same. Get over it. Your view, Dino, of bitching about the meeker individuals in the world could be likened to the far Rights view of bitching about the Liberals in the world. People bitch about them doing that, and so now i'm bitching at you doing this.
People have differing views and opinions, they may not all be your taste, get over it. Until i come into power, everybody is going to have to learn to just deal with crap like this.
Yes, i think starting protests over videogames and trying to ban certain types of films is idiotic, but hopefully it will never develop to the extent it has in America over here. The American's (i'm generalising and being racist here, but get over it) lack common sense, and in the place where that should be, they store a Bible and a Crucifix. They are vile, horrid people who i'm quite happy with having their own country as far away from us as possible.
The best thing is, God agrees with me, hence why they have so many natural disasters (Hurricanes, Earthquakes etc) and we have so few. Though, sadly, God's starting to dislike us just as much. Hopefully i can rectify that.
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.
"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche
"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud