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07-17-2005, 11:40 AM
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Outlaw Sniper
: Feb 2005
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Dino  (10)

I haven't done it before, but I don't know, Harry Potter's just come out, so we'll see

If I was reading that while sitting on the toilet, I'd take it as a good opportunity to shit on the book, as it is quite possibly the most annoying waste of paper since the patriot act.

But really, can we not do better than this for thread subjects? I mean... what do you read when you're on the john?! Does anyone care?

How about, have you ever seen a UFO while you've been taking a crap? Or... if you could be any more annoying for a day what would you do with your powers?


No I don't read while I'm on the dumphole, and I think it's freaking weird that anyone else does unless they're out of toilet paper.