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06-25-2005, 02:52 PM
sliguy101's Avatar
Howler Punk
: Dec 2004
: Minnesota
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Rep Power: 21
sliguy101  (10)
The War of all Wars (An RPG)

This'll be my first Non-Oddoworld RPG posted here, so I'll at least try to make it look and sound good.


First off, this'll be a war. There are two different alliences. The Future Allience and The Fantasy Allience. Both of them are fighting in a war. Why? Well, if you want to know why, take a look at the BACKSTORY. This battle does NOT TAKE PLACE ON EARTH! It takes place in a parallel universe on a land by the name of Fantafuture. To take a real looks at this land, check out the map (which is the link).

Take a look at the key. If it said (FO) right next to a certain symbol, that means it's a 'Fantasy Only' thing. If it said (FuO) right next to a symbol, it's a 'Future Only' thing. Get it? Good.

Here are the character profiles.

Name: (The character's name)

Allience: (Choose FUTURE or FANTASY)

Specie: (This will vary. If you choose FANTASY, choose a creature like a Unicorn, Mage, Elf, or something like that. If you choose FUTURE, you mus tpick a future creature like a Robot, Alien, or anything else that is future-like. !NOTE!-If you want to be a human, they can be on either side)

Gender: (Male, Female, or No Gender At All)

Weapon of Choice: (Once again, this will vary between FANTASY and FUTURE)

Other Accecories: (Others things you want to add to your character)

Special Skill: (A special ability that your character has)

Location: (The city, structure, or any kinds of thing like that where your character lives. Once again, this varries from FUTURE and FANTASY. Fantasy takes the right side of the map and Future takes the left side.

Now these are the stat points. These are VERY important.

Strength: (Go on the scale of one to ten)
Agility: (Go on the scale of one to ten)
Inteligence: (Go on the scale of one to ten)

Don't put ten for all of these. Your stat points can only go up to a total of fifteen.


Strength: 8
Agility: 10
Inteligence: 9


Strength: 4
Agility: 6
Inteligence: 5


Strength helps your character grow strong
Agility helps your character move more quickly and swiftly
Inteligence helps you get out of traps and difficult puzzles


The year is 2274. Earth is demolished, and the survivors have no choice but to go to the land of Fantafuture. But there, the lifeforms of the future and the lifeforms of mere fantasies meet. War is declared, and the winner takes the land. Here is soem info on the alliences.


The Future Allience is made up of lifeforms from this time. They have advance technology and accurate security systems, but they have little land. Whenever they need more hope and faith, they go to the SPACE TEMPLE.


The Fantasy Allience has many creature that can beat some of the lifeforms of the future, and they have alot of land. Their problem is is that their security and guarding is easy to get through, so some scouts could easily get in. They go to THE BLESSING TREE for hope and faith.

Soooooo, I guess that's it. MY CHARACTER.

Name: Errigan
Allience: Future
Specie: Cyborg
Gender: Classified to be Male
Weapon of choice: Ray Gun
Other Accesories: Cyber Gloves, Cyber Boots
Special Skill: Can charge up and get an energy boost at any time.
Location: Starpolis

Strength: 5
Agility: 5
Inteligence: 5
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