thread: Vykers labs
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04-04-2005, 03:50 AM
Fuzzleman54321's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Feb 2005
: Here and there.....Everywhere!
: 545
Rep Power: 21
Fuzzleman54321  (10)

"must continue.. hey... what...the..." Tim suddenly gets elctrucuted. His liver goes back and his blood and leg goes back. He looked up. "Big face!" he said grinning. He ran off with stephan and kyle. Suddenly tim stops and gets zapped again. He now has the power off shrycull! "SHHAAAAA!"" He said as he electricuted the beast behind them. "Hahahahah woah....." Tim says as he runs of a platform and the others fall to! Then a flying slig came and took away the powers big face gave tim with a power sucker matic 3222! so his left leg fell of, blood spluterd everywhere and his liver fell out again.

I'm back because there is news! wooh movie!