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08-22-2004, 11:52 AM
Musica's Avatar
: Jan 2004
: some where between life and de
: 26
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Musica  (10)
What kinda music you likiey?

this is my thread on what kinda music the people of the forums like, hey its kinda like a world wide poll except for the fact that i dont know how to make one of those little poll thingys at the top of the thread, so just go and discuss your favorite artists and genres.

me you ask? rock and roll all the way!! Aerosmith should be the top members of congress!! oh and a bit more recent than them Linkin park woo!!
<-- head bangers get it? lololololol...okay maybe not that funny...
Your Soul Belongs To God, But Your A** Belongs To Me!
-Michael Spradlin
Duct tape fixes all...HAIL THE DUCT TAPE!!!!

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