Yikes, a somewhat eventful relationship you've had with the spirits, there, compared to many people. Strangely enough, I've never had any experiences like that - in fact, I can't remember how I got into the supernatural. That seems strange to me in itself. I know I used to be into it a lot more a few years ago, and I've tried to revive it since, but I just can't be bothered. I keep on top of most things via Fortean Times, anyway.
I do remember once, the night before the first family trip to Scotland, coincidentally enough. I've always had a bunk bed, and at the time I was going through a phase where I wanted to sleep on the bottom bunk (I was usually on the top), but the wrong way round, so my head was by the ladder. I remember seeing tall, shadowy figures, one of which was squatting down to look at me, and had a kind of white, thorny face, though my memory has doubtlessly been influenced by a hundred and one things.
I took an immediate dislike to bottom bunks after that.