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07-02-2004, 08:15 PM
TheRaisin's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: May 2003
: R'lyeh
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Rep Power: 22
TheRaisin  (10)

Well I haven't yet seen Spiderman 2, so I didn't read the majority of that post, but I must point out that not all summer movies are bad. You see a lot of bad summer movies because there's a very large volume of movies released in the summer. The bad ones are somewhat dominant, but there a still a few diamonds buried under all that rubble.

White Chicks... I thank whatever divine force helped me convince my friends, at the last minute, to see The Chronicles of Riddick instead of that. I mean, Riddick wasn't the best sci-fi by any account, but it sure as hell beats White Chicks.
Step right up and shoot pasties off the nipples of a ten-foot bull dyke! Win a cotton candy goat!

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