True, MojoMan, there is most likely a reason for them. Unlike Matty, I don't mind the chickens being in the game at all - just so long as the visual design changes drastically for the better. Everyone (including I think me) has blown everything out of proportion, for all we know these early chicken designs have already been disgarded and replaced with something that actually suits Oddworld. And the boat and the barn, in my opinion. Nobody else seems to agree with me here, which is fine. At least I can actually bear them.
People are making such a fuss over one picture.
It's not the picture in itself, it's the image of Oddworld it's giving off. Oddworld should never ever be a cartoon. That's one of the reasons Munch failed to leave a happy smile on many existing fans' faces. What I find incredibly silly is your objection to our disgust at this. As Matty said, we're the people who OWI are trying to please. If we're not pleased, we shouldn't be ashamed to tell them, because we sure can't lose anything by trying.
Now, if you happen to like the chickens, then I can respect that, although I can in no way understand it. If I'd wanted to have something in a game that looks like it had been moulded out of plastecine I'd be playing the latest Crash Bandicoot games.
: is one of the very few sites that updates regularly, so quit complaining over this nice luxury.
I'm don't look at the official sites of any computer games regularly besides Oddworld, so I suppose I've been taking it for granted. However, I'd still rather they didn't update for a month than posting insulting rubbish that spoils Oddworld's innocence and majesty.